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About np2fmgen. (np2orginal online help)
It can be multi-threaded to reduce the weight of the operation. (Maybe.)
It is possible to increase the number of writable RAM, so it is possible to take more UMBs in a 286CPU environment.
With the built-in fmgen, it is possible to reproduce OPN(A) with frequency 55(.466)KHz and QFM in real time, so it is possible to reproduce the sound closer to the real thing.
In addition, it is possible to improve the reproduction of SSG-EG and to use hardware sound sources by using the external sound source DLL.
The PCM (ADPCM,86PCM,WSS) is also more accurate than the original np2 and has a higher sound quality.
It is equipped with a virtual BEEP PCM board to reproduce high sound quality audio.
There are also multiple 86PCM engines available, so you can play almost any game you want. (e.g. Lip Sync by Policenauts)
You can search and rewrite memory, and you can also patch code while it's running, so it's easy to modify games such as Invincible.

About external sound source DLLs.
All executables come with fmgen by default, so you usually don't need it except in special cases.
A DLL is useless if you just download it and put it in the same folder as the executable, you have to set it up yourself before you can use it.
Please refer to the attached text for help.
You need to understand Japanese language to do so.


KeyDisp.dll + mamefmp2.dll Demo



篠田はじめ(CV:戸田めぐみ)/桜ねね(CV:朝日奈丸佳)&阿波根うみこ(CV:森永千才) / TVアニメ「NEW GAME!!」キャラクターソングCDシリーズ VOCAL STAGE 3 [CD]

【指定第2類医薬品】エキセドリンプラスS 24T

【新品】NEW GAME 娘TYPE-9月号- B2タペストリー 涼風青葉 桜ねね